Masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER

masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER
masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER
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masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER imagine 19
masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER imagine 20
masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER imagine 21
masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER imagine 22
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Marca:  Jobs
Tip:  masina de frezat metal
Anul:  2015
Locul de amplasare:  Belgia Hasselt6579 km față de tine
Data publicării:  mai mult de o lună
Machineryline ID:  JR42295
Stare:  second hand

Informaţie suplimentară — Masina de frezat metal Jobs GRAND SPEEDER

JOBS CNC Gantry-Type Milling Machine
XYZ travel:14000x5000x2500mm
Electro spindle:
Spindle taper:HSK63-A
Two chain tools magazines:40atc
External diameter:170mm
Total length:533mm
Working table:13000x2500x250mm (capacity=1000kg/sqm)
Machine weight:70830kg

Please Note: The above information has been obtained to the best of our ability and belief, and from the manufacturers where possible. It is given in good faith, but its accuracy can not be guaranteed. Accordingly, it will not form a representation or constitute contractual terms. Specific tooling must be requested before purchasing, since machines are in production at time of photos and availability can not be guaranteed. We advise you to check any vital details!
Această ofertă are caracter orientativ. Informaţiile exacte trebuie solicitate vânzătorului.
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