Anunțul Alte echipament de laborator Mitutoyo RA-2200AH a fost vândut și nu se mai găsește în lista de căutare!
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alte echipament de laborator Mitutoyo RA-2200AH
alte echipament de laborator Mitutoyo RA-2200AH
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alte echipament de laborator Mitutoyo RA-2200AH imagine 6
alte echipament de laborator Mitutoyo RA-2200AH imagine 7
alte echipament de laborator Mitutoyo RA-2200AH imagine 8
Marca:  Mitutoyo
Modelul:  RA-2200AH
Anul:  2018
Locul de amplasare:  România Simeria7058 km față de tine
Data publicării:  ieri
Numărul ID din stocul vânzătorului:  Simeria
Stare:  second hand

Informaţie suplimentară — Alte echipament de laborator Mitutoyo RA-2200AH

Mitutoyo RA-2200AH roundness measuring instrument, code No. 211-512D, serial: G00061803, MFG 2018
This highly accurate form measuring system allows you to measure roundform geometry like cylindricity. The Roundtest RA-2200 offers the following benefits:
It has fully motorised axes movement. Its extremely high turntable accuracy of (0.02+0.00035H) µm gives you excellent form analysis. The user-friendly software, ROUNDPAK, gives you easy drag-and-drop usage and a wide range of parameters.
ROUNDPAK also has easy-to-use part programming and single measurement functions.
A huge number of styles provides you with maximum flexibility.
There is an auto-follow function for easy and quick pre-centering of the workpiece.
There is a wide variety of models available to suit any application.
RA-2200DS/DH: These models have a navigation function supplied as standard, to quickly guide you through the centering and leveling task. The models are equipped with the D.A.T. (Digital Adjustment Table).
RA-2200AS/AH: The models have an automatic centring and levelling turntable supplied as standard, freeing you from the centring and levelling task. The models are equipped with the A.A.T. (Automatic Adjustment Table).Specifications:
Centering/leveling adjustment 1*: AAT
Vertical travel: 500 mm
Max. probing Ø: 300 mm
Max. workpiece Ø: 580 mm
Max. turntable loading [kg]:30
Rotational accuracy: radial:
(0,02+0,00035H) µm
H: Measuring height from turntable surface (mm)
(0,02+0,00035X) µm
X: Radial distance from centre (mm)
Rotational speed: 2, 4, 6, 10 rpm
Centering range: DS / DH: ±5 mm and AS / AH: ±3 mm
Leveling range: ±1
Vertical column:
Max. probing height: AS / DS : 300 mm
AH / DH:500 mm
above turntable surface
Max. probing depth: 85 mm (minimum ID : ø32 mm)
50 mm (minimum ID : ø7 mm)
Straightness: 0.1 µm / 100 mm
AS / DS : 0.15 µm / 300 mm
AH / DH: 0.25 µm / 500 mm
Parallelism with rotation center: AS / DS : 0.7 µm / 300 mm
AH / DH: 1.2 µm / 500 mm
Horizontal axis:
Straightness: 0.7 µm / 150 mm
Perpendicularity to rotation center: 1 µm / 150 mm

Price Euro 31.700 Euro + VAT, negotiable, FCA: Oradea/Romania
Please make an offer.
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Alte echipamente de laborator Mitutoyo
Găsit: 1 anunț